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Apr 6, 2021Liked by HunterFoxx

Love this post. Specifically the part about Metatron, totally unfamiliar with this idea (books) but I think it's brilliant and useful in so many places. Also love the Harrison Bergeron reference. Excellent story that so clearly lays bare the equality narrative. The big difference in how we see things is I wouldn't say signaling is bad, or false signaling is bad. I would say power comes from knowing when/why and how your sending signals. For those living in China, signaling allegiance to the CCP could save your life. However, you might be giving a fake signal like many have done in climates where speaking freely could get you or your loved ones killed. There are so many areas of life where we signal unconsciously and taking ownership of the signals you are sending is very powerful. Being aware of what signal you're sending could be the difference between someone interpreting your communication as a signal of loyalty vs a signal of neediness. There's also value in standing up for yourself, and being willing to signal contrarian things even when it's costly, so point taken in that respect.

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